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New webpage

Designing Fresh, Engaging Pages to Elevate Your Online Presence
New Web Page

Expand Your Online Reach with an Additional Page

Every website has potential for growth. An additional page can be the key to unlocking that potential. Whether you need a dedicated landing page to capture leads, an informative service page to build trust, or a product showcase to highlight your offerings, we can help.

Our team of experts will work closely with you to identify the best opportunity for your website and create a page that aligns with your overall goals. We combine strategic planning with creative design to deliver a page that not only looks great but also drives results.

$150 per page

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When would I need an addon page?

    There are many different situations where you might want to create an extra page on your website. You could be offering a new service, have expanded to a new location, or want a landing page for your advertisements. Whatever the reason, should you need an extra page, Hang 10 Digital is here to help.

  • How do I order extra pages?

    Login to the client portal and from there you can provide information for the new page on your website.

  • How long does it take?

    The time to create a new page can vary quite a bit depending on what the page will be used for and the information required to build it. However we try to create new pages within a few business days.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s see how we can work together to help you generate more leads and customers online.

Contact Hang 10 Today!